Tuesday, August 11, 2009


:) I met you in a very strange way, we began to liked each other, we're contented on what we are at the moment, nurturing the time we can by simply talking, laughing and sometimes by having intimate conversation. Friends with mutual understanding, no pressure, no hassle.
But as vulnerable i am, my feelings grow deeper, never thought it could fall this way but it happened. So i took the risk when i started sending love letters, love songs, love notes not once i missed doing this almost everyday just to let you know i care more than friend. Till i noticed we rarely talk, days, weeks past... It hurts to think im about to lose you, im asking myself what have i done wrong? blaming myself for the wrong moves i made. There are nights i cant sleep, crying for my foolishness. I also thought im just one of those you've met... Yes you like me but not enough for your love but still i hope in silence, im hurting inside but i know there's still a chance. Another week had passed and im about to give up on hoping so i decided to put an end to this hurt that i felt inside but just like the thief in the night... you came back, so warm, you make me feel im important and most of all....finally you uttered those words i longed to hear, the assurance for me to hold on... though i still have doubt in my mind but my heart is rejoicing in so much happiness enough to give what we have another chance and be contented again on what we really are. Im not yet ready to face whats the future lies on us but im willing to give our love a chance.



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